Black bomber jacket is one of those things I kind of wanted, but I wasn't sure I really want it. I have other bombers, in maroon in floral, but they are more that light type of bombers you can throw over anything. Honestly, last year I thought I would only wear them a couple of times and call it a day, but I've been wearing them a lot this seasons as well. Anyways, when it comes to black bombers, they always seemed a bit too rough and edgy for me, not that there's something wrong with edgy outfits, I just like a calmer, more vintagy vibe right now. Still, I saw this one and it looked pretty nice and was also lined with fake fur, so it seemed like it would be perfect for wintry/autumny outfits. In my head I had a picture of wearing it with flowy dresses (the kind you only see on Pinterest), yet I ended up wearing it in the simplest outfits possible, like this one here. I guess these types of outfits are just so practical. Plus, I don't actually own those pretty flowy dresses I keep picturing in my head with all sorts of outfits. 😂
Crna bomber jakna je jedna od onih stvari koje sam želela, ali nisam baš bila sigurna da ih želim. Imam još dve bomber jakne, bordo i floralnu, ali to su više one tanke jakne koje možete da obučete uz bukvalno sve. Iskreno, prošle godine sam mislila da ću da ih nosim samo nekoliko puta, ali ispostavilo se da sam nastavila da ih nosim i ove sezone. Kada se radi o crnim bomber jaknama, uvek su mi delovale nekako pregrubo i previše edži za mene. Nije da ima nešto loše u takvom izgledu, nego trenutno više volim malo smirenije, skoro pa vintidž kombinacije. Ipak, ova mi se svidela i bila je postavljena veštačkim krznom pa mi se činilo da bi bila savršena za zimsko-jesenje autfite. U mojoj glavi je bila slika kako je nosim sa onim lepršavim haljinama kakve se viđaju samo na Pinterestu, ali sam je na kraju nosila sa najjednostavnijim mogućim kombinacijama, kao što je ova ovde. Valjda su mi one nekako najpraktičnije. Plus, nemam nijednu od tih lepršavih haljina koje stalno zamišljam u glavi. 😂
I think this is the first time this bag is appearing on the blog, it's my new (ish) bag I've wearing almost every day lately. I wanted a shoulder bag that's not too big so I couldn't fill it up with all sorts of unnecessary things, but I also wanted a bag that can fit my wallet. Most of my bags are black so other thing I told myself is that I can't get another bag in black. The bag is from Alexander Wang, it's their Prisma shoulder bag in the colour Oxblood. It turns out I have a thing for Alexander Wang bags, I got the black Emile tote about a year ago and I've been wearing it non-stop since. And I said I'm not that into edgy fashion, but I have two bags form one of the ''edgiest'' designers right now. Human brain is a curious thing. Shoes are from Zara, I got them at the winter sale, I thought the bag and the shoes are the same colour, but when I went into the daylight it was clear they aren't. These jeans are slowly becoming a staple here on the blog, I love them so much and I've been wearing them so often that it's not even funny. Maybe I'll have to get an another pair in a different wash.
Mislim da je ovo prvi put da se ova torba pojavljuje na blogu, to je moja (skoro pa nova) torba i nosim je baš često u poslednje vreme. Želela sam torbu koja nije previše velika da ne bih u nju natrpavala svakakve nepotrebne stvari, ali ni previše mala da bi u nju mogao da mi stane novčanik. Većina torbi koje imam je crna pa sam obećala sebi da ne smem da kupim još jednu crnu torbu. Ovo je Alexander Wang Prisma shoulder bag u boji Oxblood. Izgleda da mi se dosta dopadaju njihove torbe, pre otprilike godinu dana kupila sam crnu Emile torbu i od tada je nosim non-stop. A rekla sam da mi se ne sviđa ''edži'' moda, dok imam dve torbe dizajnera koji trenutno kreira samo takve komade. Ljudski mozak je zaista čudan. Mada mislim da su obe torbe dosta klasične. Cipele su iz Zare, kupila sam ih na zimskoj rasprodaji, delovalo mi je da su torba i cipele iste boje, ali na dnevnom svetlu se ispostavilo da nisu. Ove farmerke polako postaju redovne na blogu, mnogo ih volim i nosim ih i previše često. Možda treba da nabavim sličan model u drugoj boji.

Calliope jacket
Love of queen jeans
GAP turtleneck
Zara shoes
Alexander Wang bag
No brand silver earrings
Vintage and Ti Sento rings
Such a chic look. I love the jacket with the pop of colour from your nail polish. :]
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