Right now I feel like I could write about hair everyday. If you have long and/or thick hair that makes you wanna cut it short every summer this post is for you. Truth to be told it only happens during those really hot summer days and they will pass fast anyways and you'll have your hair for the rest of the year. So always remember that and don't cut your hair. Unless you actually want a short hairstyle. My hair's been this long for 6 or so years, and if I've learned something in that period, it's that the best thing to do is to experiment with wearing your hair up during the summer. I know it's not a revolutionary thing for you to hear, but it does help to know all the options of ''updos'' that you have. Personally, I prefer buns, they are the easiest to make and keep all the hair off the neck. Below are all the ideas for summer hairstyles that I can remember at the moment, but there are so many more and it's always good idea to check Pinterest for more inspiration!
Trenutno mi deluje kao da bih mogla da pišem o kosi svakog dana. Ako imate dugačku i/ili gustu kosu koja vas tera da želite da je ošišate svakog leta, ovaj post je za vas. Mada iskreno, ovo se dešava tokom samo nekoliko pretoplih letnjih dana koji će ionako brzo da prođu, a kosa vam ostaje cele godine. Uvek se toga setite i nemojte da se šišate. 😂 Osim ako zaista želite kratku frizuru, naravno. Moja kosa je ove dužine oko šest godina i ako sam nešto naučila u tom periodu, to je da je leti najbolje eksperimentisati sa frizurama koje uključuju podignutu kosu. Znam da ovo nije ništa revolucionarno, ali pomaže kada imate malo inspiracije za sve vrste frizura koje možete da napravite. Lično najviše volim punđice, najlakše se prave i sklanjaju kosu sa vrata. Ispod su ideje za letnje frizure kojih trenutno mogu da se setim, ali ima ih mnogo više i uvek je dobra ideja tražiti inspiraciju po Pinterestu!
A bit more classy than a regular messy bun, low bun looks like you've actually tried. Although in reality sometimes it can be more difficult to get the perfect messy bun. 😂 Buns of this kind are great for more elegant looks, or even when you want to elevate a simple and casual looks.Malo elegantnija od obične neuredne punđe, niska punđa izgleda kao da ste se zapravo i potrudili. Iako je u stvarnosti ponekad i teže da napravite perfektnu neurednu punđicu. 😂 Punđe ovog tipa su sjajne za formalnije prilike, ali i kada želite da dodate malo elehancije jednostavnim i opuštenim kombinacijama.
Braids may have reached a peek of their popularity sometime last year, but they are still going strong! I have to admit they are super practical, even with the thickest hair they will keep all the hair away from the face and in place (unintentional rhyming).
Pletenice su možda dostigle vrhunac popularnosti otprilike prošle godine, ali i dalje su tu! Moram da priznam da su mi jako praktične, čak i najgušću kosu sklanjaju sa lica i drže na mestu.
Honestly, maybe my favourite type of updos, they are there when you need to run to the grocery store or wipe the floor, but are also red carpet approved! They never turn out perfectly, except at those times when you don't try at all, but that's the beauty of a messy bun.
Iskreno, moj omiljeni tip punđice, tu su kada treba da otrčite do prodavnice ili pobrišete pod, ali su isto tako prisutne i na crvenom tepihu. Nikad ne ispadnu kako ste hteli, osim kada se ne trudite uopšte, ali to i jeste ilepota neuredne punđice.
Here you see a not so good example of this hairstyle, but you get the idea. Ideally, it will consist of a crown braid with a casual low bun. So far I don't know how to make a great crown braid, I'm in the process of practicing though.
Ovde vidimo ne tako dobar primerak ove frizure, ali ideja je bitna. U savršenom svetu, ona bi se sastojala od velike pletenice oko glave i niske punđe. Za sada ne znam baš da napravim tu lepu pletenicu, ali vežbam ponekad.
This is my go to hairstyle for when I only have time to blow dry my hair, but no time for curling or straightening. It's great for beach and summer looks in general.Ovo je moja omiljena frizura kada imam vremena samo da osušim kosu, ali ne i da je uvijem ili ispresujem. Odlična je za plažu ali generalno i za sve letnje prilike.
To me they look a bit more ''sporty'' than a simple low bun, does that make any sense? Probably not, but when you want to spice up low bun a bit, you can always do two buns instead.Meni su nekako više ''sportske'' od obične niske punđe, je l' vam to ima smisla? Verovatno ne, ali kada želite malo da začinite nisku punđu, uvek možete da napravite dve niske punđice.
Again not the best example of this style in my photo, still a hairdo worth mentioning. In the summer it keeps a huge portion of the hair away from your neck so you won't be as hot and bothered. They are many ways to play around with this style, you can put almost a half of your hair up (like I did here) or opt for a small bun on top of the head.
Ponovo jedan ne toliko reprezintativan primer frizure na ovoj slici, ali stil vredan spominjanja. Leti sklanja veliki deo kose dalje od vrata pa vam neće biti toliko vruće. Ima mnogo varijanti ove frizure, možete da podignete skoro pola kose u punđu (kao ja ovde) ili da napravite manu punđicu visoko na glavi.
Basically a cousin of a messy bun, high ponytail is a option when your hair is nicely done, but for some reason you need to put it up. Depending on the hairstyle you had, it's either gonna be a curly pony or a sleek straight one.
Praktično rođak neuredne punđice, visoki rep je tu kada vam je kosa uvijena ili isfenirana, ali iz nekog razloga želite da je podignete. U zavisnosti od toga koju ste frizuru imali, biće talasasti rep ili elegantni ravan.
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