First time in ages I didn't do my ''traditional'' post on the first of January, this year I actually took a break and didn't even take photos for two weeks (I took these yesterday just to have some photos to go with the post 😂) to enjoy the Holidays. I would say it did me good, but like always I've missed blogging so much. It's always one way or the other. I love New Year because I think it brings a certain kind of new energy and inspiration, although it's all in our heads because we invented the counting of time.😄 But you know what I mean, without the changes we would feel stuck all the time and that's one of the worse feelings in my opinion. I'm not gonna go into the New Year's resolutions for few reasons a) I don't make them, if I want to improve something I do it when I get the idea and b) if you guys make them and wanted this to be an inspiration, it's probably too late now. I hope that you spent a wonderful time during the Holidays and, like always, I'm wishing you a best year ever!
Prvi put za nekoliko godina da nisam objavila ''tradicionalni'' post prvog januara, ove godine sam napravila malu pauzu i čak nisam ništa slikala dve nedelje (ove slike sam slikala juče da bih imala šta da stavim uz post 😂) da bih uživala u praznicima. Rekla bih da mi je prijalo, ali kao i uvek nedostajalo mi je blogovanje.Uvek je ili jedno ili drugo u pitanju. Volim Novu godinu jer mislim da donosi neku vrstu nove energije i inspiracije, iako je sve u našim glavama, ipak su ljudi izumeli računanje vremena. 😄 Ali znate na šta mislim, bez promena svi bismo se osećali kao da stagniramo, što je po mom mišljenju jedan od najgorih osećaja. Neću ulaziti u čuvene novogodišnje odluke zbog par razloga: 1. ni ne donosim ih, ako želim nešto da unapredim to uradim čim mi ideja dođe, 2. ako ih vi donosite i potrebna vam je inspiracija, sada je verovatno kasno da vam pomognem jer ste ih već doneli. Nadam se da ste se divno proveli za vreme praznika i, kao uvek, želim vam najbolju moguću godinu!
This beautiful bodycon dress is from Femeluxe. I love bodycon dresses and this one is even nicer because it has sleves and a lovely cut and colour. Sometimes one of those sleveless bodycon dresses can look a bit plain and this one is elegant and looks gorgeous on. You can wear the upper part completley off the shoulder, or like I'm wearing it here, which I only a bit off the shoulder. 😂 If these type of dresses are not normally your thing, maybe you can try similar models with an interesting cut, so it's more like you are weaaring an off the shoulder dress than a simple bodycon dresses. I paired it with this ''hair candy'' as well, hair clips have been huge last year and I think they'll only get more popular so I will publish a post on different types of hairclips you can wear soon!
Ova prelepa bodycon haljina je sa sajta Femeluxe. Volim takav model haljina, ova mi je još i lepša jer ima rukave i divan kroj i boju. Ponekad obične bodycon haljine mogu da izgledaju previše jednostavno, dok je ova elegantna i stvarno divno stoji. Gornji deo može da se nosi i niže spušten, kao kod haljina sa golim ramenima, ali se meni ovako najviše dopada, sa malo spuštenim izrezom. Ako vam se ovakve haljine inače ne dopadaju, možda možete da probate modele slične ovom sa zanimljivim krojem. Ovde nosim i ove velike zvezdaste šnale, ukosnice i šnale su bile veliki trend prethodne godine i izgleda da će se njihova popularnost nastaviti i ove. Uskoro planiram jedan post sa različitim tipovima šnala koje su trenutno popularne.
Femmeluxe dress
Asos earrings
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