Or should I say wearable winter to spring trends? I've checked some runway trends for the spring of 2019., and let me tell you there's a lot of interesting options in the bunch. 😂 That's how it always goes, runway trends tend to be creative and all, but not many of them will end up on the streets. Some will, in their pure form or a bit toned down and actually here I have one of the runway trends as well, while all the rest are inspired by street style and previous trends from 2018. and 2017. Funny thing, I actually took these photos to do my autumn to winter trends post, then forgot I had them, still the trends are pretty much the same so I'm using them now. 😄 And this is my natural hair, I think for the first time on the blog. When I just blow dry it it turns out as this curly to wavy type of thing. In the past when I wasn't dyeing it, it was more curly.

Ili bolje da kažem, nosivi trendovi za prelazak iz zime u proleće? Istražila sam malo trendove za proleće 2019. i definitivno ih ima raznih. 😂 Tako obično bude, trendovi sa piste su kreativni i to stoji, ali ne dospe svaki do realnog života. Neki da, u svojoj originalnoj formi ili malo jednostavniji, u ovom postu je i jedan takav trend, dok su ostali inspirisani svakodnenim trendovima iz prethodnih godina. Zanimljivo je što sam ove slike slikala za post za jesenje ka zimskim trendovima, onda zaboravila da ih imam, ali oni su uglavnom ostali isti pa slike koristim sada. 😄 Ovo je moja prirodna kosa, mislim prvi put na blogu. Kada je samo osušim fenom ispadne ovako kovrdžavo talasasata. Ranije kada je nisam farbala bila je i kovrdžavija.

1. Chunky earrings

Earrings and jewelry in general is getting bigger, even the chunky chain necklaces are ''back''. I prefer the earrings because they tend to not overpower the outfit, which is often the case with necklaces.

2. Ankle boots

I can't imagine spring without ankle boots, as soon as the snow is melted I start wearing my heeled ankle boots. You could wear them in snow I guess, but I usually wait until the snow is gone.

1. Velike minđuše

Minđuše i nakit generalno postaje sve veći ove sezone, čak su i velike lanci ogrlice ponovo tu. Draže su mi mindjuše jer se ne ističu preterano u celom izgledu, što je često slučaj sa ogrlicama.

2. Čizme do članaka

Ne mogu da zamislim proleće bez njih, čim se sneg istopi odmah počinjem da ih nosim. Možete da ih nosite i na snegu ako želite, ali ja obično čekam da on prođe.

3. Mom jeans

Everybody's favourite jeans are still here and are as comfy as ever. As you can tel from my overall appearance, 80s and 90s are still going strong in the term of trends, which means mom jeans are a must. And I couldn't be happier, I've waited for this fashion era my whole life. I told you one runway trend made it to here, and it's dark denim. A staple during the late 2000s, dark denim is again taking over the jeans scene.

4. Duster coats

For the smallest window between winter to spring and autumn to winter you can wear the lightest duster coats. This is one trend that's been going steady for years, so before it's officially leather jacket weather, it can't hurt to get your trusty duster coat out.

3. Mom farmerke

Svima omiljeni tip farmerki je i dalje tu i udobne su kao i uvek.  Kao što možete da vidite iz mog celokupnog izgleda, osamdesete i devedesete su još uvek aktuelan trend, što znači da su mom farmerke neophodne. I mnogo sam srećna zbog toga, čekala sam ovu modnu eru celog života. Spomenula sam da je jedan trend sa piste u postu, reč je o tamnom teksasu. Obavezan u drugoj polovini prve decenije 2000 godine, tamni teksas je ponovo dominantna nijansa za farmerke.

4. Dugački kaputi

U kratkom periodu između zime i proleća, isto tako jeseni i zime možete da nosite najlaganije dugačke kapute. To je jedan trend koji je tu već godinama, pa pre nego što otopli dovoljno za kožne jakne, ne može da škodi da izvadite svoj dugački kaput.

GAP turtleneck
Zara jeans
Zara coat
Zara boots
Mona bag
No brand earrings
Vintage and Ti Sento rings
Ti Sento bracelet