From someone who never liked warm tones in clothing to all beige outfits. What happened to me? 😅 Well I did break things down with couple of black accessories so I'm not yet in the complete beige outfits phase. I'm not sure why I was never a fan of beige outfits, probably because I grew up (or should I say was in my late teens) when completely black outfits were all the rage. Maybe you remember the style, everything was black, leather, skulls and spikes. It was the times when wearing all black wasn't edgy or making a statement, it was just on trend. Considering all that it does make sense the idea of a head to toe black outfit remained etched on my memory as the classiest thing you can wear. Fast forward to today when nudes are kind of taking over. I've been seeing the phrase nude is the new black all over the place. And it really is true, whether it's clothes, makeup or even interior design. Although it wasn't my cup of tea before, I have to say I've been loving this colour palette.
Od nekoga ko nikada nije voleo odeću u toplim tonovima do skroz bež kombinacija. Šta mi se desilo? 😅
Ipak jesam malo razbila neutralne boje crnim aksesoarima pa izgleda nisam potpuno u fazi bež autfita. Ne znam zašto nikada nisam bila njihov ljubitelj, verovatno jer sam odrasla (tačnije bila pred kraj tinejdžerskih godina) u vreme kada su skroz crne odevne kombinacije bile vrhunac stila. Možda se sećate tog perioda, sve je bilo crno, kožno, sa nitnama i lobanjama. Crno od glave do pete nije bilo deo alternativne mode ili izražavanja, jednostavno je bilo u trendu. Zbog toga je verovatno meni u podsvesti ostala ideja kako su crni autfiti od glave do pete nešto najelegantnije što možete da nosite. Da premotamo do danas kada su neutralne boje najaktuelnije. Frazu da je neutralno novo crno možete da vidite svuda. I zaista jeste istina, bilo da se radi o odeći, šminki ili dizajnu enterijera. Iako mi ranije nije bila toliko zanimljiva, moram da kažem da sam zavolela ovu paletu boja.
Talking about neutrals, there's many ways to go. You don't have to go with warmer neutrals like beiges. There's also soft gray, gentle pink and even many shades of white. Surprisingly (considering that I don't often wear pink) soft pink used to be my favourite. Maybe not for head to toe looks, but I did wear my beautiful soft pink patent leather bag all the time, sometimes with my 80s inspired dress in a similar colour. I guess what I'm trying to say with this post is that it's OK to change your mind and your style a bit. Being close minded makes everything less fun, including fashion and personal style. Also, it is fine to get dressed in similar colour from head to toe, just make it look interesting. I can't believe I'm saying this, but all black outfits are starting to look a bit dull to me now. Like my mum always says, your style also goes through phases and changes, which is what makes it interesting after all.
Kada je o neutralnim bojama reč, imate više opcija. Ne morate da izaberete toplije nijanse kao što su bež tonovi. Tu su i bledo sive, puder roze i različite verzije bele. Iznenađujuće (s obzirom na to da ne nosim roze toliko ćesto) puder roze mi je bila omiljena. Možda ne u verziji od glave do pete, ali jesam nosila svoju divnu puder pink lakovanu tašnu non-stop, ponekad čak i sa puder roze haljinom u stilu osamdesetih. Ono što pokušavam da kažem jeste da je u redu ako vam se stil menja. Kada imate zatvoren um sve je manje zabavno, pa tako i moda i stil. Takođe, sasvim je u redu i da se obučete u slične boje, sve dok to izgleda zanimljivo. Ne mogu da verujem da ću ovo da napišem, ali skroz crni autfiti počinju da mi izgledaju pomalo dosadno. Kao što moja mama uvek kaže, lični stil takođe prolazi kroz faze i promene, zbog čega moda i jeste zanimljiva.
H&M pants
H&M sweater
Asos belt
Mona bag
Skagen watch
Vintage and Ti Sento rings
Superga sneakers
Vintage hair clips (seriously I've had some of these since I was 12)
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