First post I'm writing since this whole virus situation escalated so I hope you are all well and safe. In the next period I will be back at doing daily posts to add to online content, although there's a lot of it already like 450 free Ivy League courses (which is probably my favourite). Before I go into the recipe I just wanted to remind you that this to shall pass (😂) and there's no need to panic and think about worse case scenarios, just live day by day and remain positive and calm. And responsible as much as you can. Now, I'm not gonna be one of those people telling you how this is the time to do all the things you had no time to do before or how we should use this time to relax and restart, but when I think about it it's all true. Since two years ago I've had this idea to go back to doing cooking posts on the blog (I did a couple in the earliest posts) but it didn't really make me that excited. But now when the most of us is at home, it could be fun to share some recipes, cooking and baking is a great distraction after all. This recipe for chocolate chip cookies is something I've been experimenting with during the winter holidays and I think the latest version is what I was striving for. You can modify it to your taste, of course. 


14 of tablespoons flower

4 tablespoons of brown sugar

4 tablespoons of white sugar

1/2 cup of melted butter

1 whole egg

1 egg yolk

1 teaspoon of salt 

1 teaspoon of baking soda

2 tablespoons of vanilla extract

1 cup of dark chocolate (you can use any chocolate, but I use dark)

What I like to do is melt the butter first then add sugar in it while it's still warm, then add flower, salt, baking soda and eggs and mix it all well together. You can mix it all by hand with a spoon, it will be fine. At the end add vanilla extract and chocolate. I use a bar of dark chocolate and I cut it into smaller pieces with a knife. It's recommended to leave your dough to sit for a while, but I did bake it strait after mixing before and it turned out fine. Place smaller balls of the dough on a baking tray covered with baking paper. Preheat the oven at 200 degrees Celsius and bake the cookies for about 10 minutes. This much dough will give you around 15 cookies, but it depends on how big you make them.

Prvi post koji pišem od kad je cela ova situacija sa virusom uzela maha pa se nadam da ste si dobro i bezbedni. U sledećem periodu ću se vratiti dnevnom objavljivanju postova da bih dodala još onlajn sadržaja, iako ga stvarno ima dosta kao na primer 450 besplatnih kurseva sa Ivy League univerziteta (to mi je i omiljeno). Pre nego što napišem recept htela sam da vas podsetim da će i ovo proći i nema potrebe za panikom i nekim crnim prognozama, samo treba da ostanemo pozitivni i smireni i odgovorni koliko možemo. Neću da budem od onih ljudi koji pričaju kako je ovo vreme da uradimo sve što ranije nismo stigli i da je ovo vreme za odmor i restart, ali kad razmislimo i jeste. Pre dve godine imala sam ideju da se vratim postovima o kuvanju (nekoliko ih je bilo na samim počecima bloga) ali nije mi to bilo toliko primamljivo. Sada kada je većina nas kod kuće, biće zanimljivo da podelim neke recepte, kuvanje i pravljenje kolača jeste i dobar način da se skrenu misli. Ovaj recept za kolačiće je nešto što sam isprobavala tokom zimskih praznika i mislim da je ova poslednja verzija najbolja. Možete malo i da ga izmenite, naravno.


14 kašika brašna

6 kašika braon šećera

6 kašika belog šećera

150 grama otopljenog putera

1 celo jaje

1 žumance

1 kašičica soli

1 kašičica sode bikarbone

2 kašičice vanila ekstrakta

150 grama čokolade

Ja volim da prvo istopim puter i dok je još topao u njega dodam šećer, pa onda brašno, so, sodu bikarbonu i jaja i izmešam sve zajedno. Možete da izmešate kašikom i bez miksera. Na kraju dodajte vanilu i čokoladu. Kada pravim sa celom čokoladom na manje komadiće je isečem nožem. Smesu treba da ostavite oko pola sata da odstoji, mada sam ih pekla ranije odmah posle mešanja i lepo su ispadali. Kuglice testa naređajte na pleh pokriven papirem za pečenje. Zagrejte rernu na 200 stepeni i pecite kolačiće oko 10 minuta. Od ove količine testa ispadne oko 15 kolačića, zavisi i koliko su vam velike kuglice.