Talking about sustainable fashion, here's a denim shirt I've had for nine years. I found it yesterday when I was organizing my closet and I also found this skirt. The skirt is super old as well considering it's vintage and I got it in 2018. I think the skirt itself is probably from the 90s judging by the cut and material. I added flats since it's been a bit colder this morning and the shoes kind of gave me the same vibe a skirt had. And of course my bohoish bag so I can carry all of my stuff around.
Kad se već toliko priča o održivoj modi, evo jedne košulje koju imam devet godina, pronašla sam je juče kad sam prepakivala orman, pored ove suknje koju sam isto pronašla. Ona je takođe starija budući da je imam od 2018. a pored toga je i sama vintage. Verovatno iz devedesetih sudeći po kroju i materijalu. Dodala sam i ove baletanke s obzirom na to da je jutros bilo hladnjikavo i imale su nekako sličan vajb kao suknja. I naravno moju boho torbu da mogu da vučem mnogo stvari sa sobom.
H&M shirt
Vintage skirt
Accessorize bag
Asos shoes
Chimi sunglasses
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