Here's a pair of pants I've had for ages but I changed them up a bit so they look like a completely different type of pants. They used to have a fabric belt that ties into a bow, you probably remember this type of pants from ages ago. It used to be so big in circa 2017. and we wore them with tops with ruffles. Now instead of that type of a belt I added an actual vintage belt. The cut is still the same but now the whole vibe of the pants is different if that makes any sense. 

Evo jednog para pantalona koji imam sto godina ali sam ih malo izmenila tako da izgledaju potpuno drugačije. Imale su kaiš od istog materijala koji se vezivao u mašnu, verovatno se sećate ovakvih pantalona bile su jako popularne oko 2017. godine i nosili smo ih sa bluzama sa karnerima. Sada sam umesto takvog kaiša dodala pravi kaiš, samo što je vintage. Kroj je i dalje isti ali ceo izgled pantalona se promenio ako to ima smisla. 

Bershka top

H&M pants

Vintage belt

Mona bag 

Ray Ban sunglasses