A little bit different than beach bags I usually like, this one is very slouchy and has no structure. I prefer those that are shaped like older Sensi studio bags, so basically large firm ones. But I wanted to try something different and I'm really warming up to these more relaxed straw bags. And you can take them everywhere, they are so light and fit into every suitcase. Also the reason why my outfit is not ironed, it was packed in my suitcase.
Malo drugačija od onih koje inače volim, ova torba za plažu je opuštenija i nema strukturu. Draže su mi one koje su u obliku starih Sensi studio torbi, to su veće i čvršće slamene torbe. Ali htela sam da isprobam nešto drugačije i stvarno počinju da mi se svidjaju ove opuštenije slamene torbe. I možete svuda da uh nosite jer su lagane i staju u svaki kofer. Takođe razlog zašto mi je autfit izgužvan, ceo je bio u koferu.
Bag is from Etsy
Mona shirt
Tezenis pareo
H&M hat
Ray Ban sunglasses
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