Continuing with the wide leg pants vibe from couple of posts ago, here's one post with my favorite linen pants. I was looking for a beige or a similar shade linen pants, but the only ones I could find in a cut that I liked were these in a light pink shade which kind of looks beige in the photos. I paired them with a black top that I already wrote about to create this silhouette I liked a lot. These are some of the best type of pants you can wear in the summer, they are so light and practical.
Da se nadovežem na pantalone sa širokim nogavicama od pre nekoliko postova, evo jednog sa mojim omiljenim lanenim pantalonama. Tražila sam bež ili sličnu nijansu lanenih pantalona, ali jedine koje sam uspela da pronadjem u kroju koji se meni dopada su bile ove puder roze koje izgledaju bež na slikama. Uparila sam ih sa crnim topom o kome sam već pisala da bih napravila ovu siluetu koja mi se dosta dopada. Ovo su neke od najboljih pantalona za leto, tako su lagane i praktične.
Bersha top
Terranova pants
Pull&Bear sandals
Mona bag
Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses
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