One of my favourite things to do lately has been trying to find healthier alternatives to skincare and beauty products and researching all the ingredients lists more carefully. It's actually not a new thing to me, back when I started getting into beauty products more I used to research every single product I wanted to get super thoroughly. I would read every ingredient list myself and then research the products on websites like Cosdna. By the way, Cosdna is an excellent website, it has lists of almost all the products out there ranking their ingredients by how dangerous they are. It's great, you should definitely use it. 

Anyways, somewhere between my desire to try as many products as possible and this blog which allowed me to receive PR packages from brands (full of things I wouldn't necessarily buy on my own) I started trying out stuff without research and that lasted for couple of years. Only recently when I was talking to a friend who also has a blog about this subject I remembered how picky I used to be about the things I use. Which is always a good thing, after all these products go onto your skin and get absorbed into your blood stream. Even when I wasn't paying that much intention to every single ingredient I did try to find some more natural alternatives for the products I was using. For me fragrances are the trickiest because there are certain perfumes I love (we all have perfumes like that) and I can't imagine living my life without using them. I know this may sound a bit superficial, but we all know perfume is so much more than a scent, it's a memory, a feeling and a state of mind all in one. 😂 I guess my plan of action here would be to try and switch to at least using less harsh versions of perfume on everyday basis and other ones from time to time, I'm not there yet but I'll try to work on it. As far as ''bad'' ingredients go, there's a whole list of them that goes into perfumes and it's really hard to avoid them all, still we can try and use less toxic ones. 

One thing I would like to avoid are phthalates because some studies have shown they can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, and reproductive system. As I did a bit of research for this post I found out there are actually a lot of new brands that make non toxic, phthalates free fragrances, but I'll mention just the ones I've used because I can't write about the products I've never tried. First that comes to mind is Korres, I love this brand so much and their fragrances are very nice, super long lasting and made with natural ingredients. Now, they are not completley ''clean'', but are still better from perfumes packed with harmful ingredients. I wrote about Korres before on the blog so you can search it up and read more if you'd like. The other brand I tried is Kai. They sent me their Rose perfume oil couple of years ago and I really enjoyed it until I gave it to my sister because she liked it so much. Post I did on that perfume is right here. I plan on trying out some other less toxic perfumes in the future, maybe even some of those new brands that are completely non toxic so we'll see how it goes.