If there's one thing we didn't expect form this year (and the last one as well) is so many new trends in fashion and hairstyles. Of course, fashion and style do always change no matter what and especially during the big changes in society, but it somehow looked like everyone is at home wearing couple of cozy outfits, instead, thanks to social media (mainly TikTok) so many great trends appeared. Including Y2K aesthetic which became so popular even Vogue is publishing articles about it (in print nevertheless).
So here are some of these trends I've been loving and some that remained from the previous years.

Ako nešto nismo očekivali od ove i prethodne godine to je veliki broj novih trendova kada se radi o modi i kosi. Naravno, moda i stil se uvek menjaju bez obzira na sve, pogotovo tokom velikih promena u društvu, ali nekako je izgledalo kao da su svi kod kuće u udobnoj odeći, bez obzira na to na društvenim mrežama (pogotovo TikTok-u) pojavilo se mnogo sjajnih trendova. Uključujući Y2K estetiku koja je postala toliko popularna da je čak i Vog u štampanom izdanju počeo da objavljuje tekstove o njoj.
Ovde su neki od mojih omiljenih, preostali od prethodnih godina ili od ove.

Middle part

Ok, I've never been an exclusive side part kind of person, but in the past ten years I wore it the most, probably because I thought it created glamorous hairstyles. Then when the whole middle part trend took over I remembered how much I loved it before, when I only used to wear my hair parted in the middle. If you are not sure weather a middle part will suit you, just check some of those charts with face shapes and suitable hair parts, although you can still just try a middle part and see how it goes. I even saw one video of a girl claiming everyone looks better with a middle part, not so sure whether that's true, but why not give it a shoot. 

Razdeljak na sredini

Nije baš da sam nosila samo razdeljak na sredini, ali tokom prethodnih desetak godina nosila sam ga najviše, verovatno jer sam mislila da frizure tako deluju najelegantnije. Onda kada se razdeljak na sredini vratio, setila sam se da sam nekada samo njega nosila. Ako niste sigurni da li bi vam takav razdeljak lepo stajao, pogledajte neke od onih grafikona sa oblicima lica i razdeljcima koji ih najbolje ističu, naravno uvek možete da probate da samo promenite razdeljak i vidite kako izgleda. Postoji čak i teorija koju sam videla u nekom videu da svako izgleda bolje sa razdeljkom na sredini, nisam sigurna koliko je to tačno, ali zabavno je probati ga.

90s and 80s inspired pieces

Although these have been around for more than a couple of years, thanks to (again) TikTok they gained more attention and since I've always been loving them this trend is right up my alley. You've probably seen jeans inspired by this trend everywhere, same goes for tops and blouses (like this one I'm wearing here), bags, shoes... Next to the Y2K fashion, 90s and 80s pieces are maybe the most fun to play around.

Backless sandals

Here's the one also close to my heart and in the last couple of months (while it was still summer) I wore mainly them so now it even feels weird to wear other type of shoes. Besides being comfortable and easy to style, this type of sandals and slides look so good with every outfit.

Komadi u stilu 80-ih i 90-ih

Iako su bili popularni i prethodnih godina, zahvaljujući (ponovo) TikTok-u privukli su mnogo više pažnje i pošto sam ih oduvek volela ovaj trend je nešto što mi se baš svidja. Verovatno ste svuda videli farmerke inspirisane ovim trendom, isto je i sa majicama i bluzama (kao ovom koju nosim ovde), torbama, cipelama... Pored Y2K mode, ona inspirisana 90-im i 80-im je možda najzanimljivija za kombinovanje.

Elegantne papuče 

Još nešto što mi se mnogo svidelo poslednjih nekoliko meseci i toliko sam ih nosila (dok je i dalje bilo leto) da mi je neobično kada nosim druge cipele. Pored toga što su udobne i lako ih je uklopiti, stvarno dobro idu uz sve.

H&M blouse
Asos shorts
Nine West sandals
Vintage watch and earrings
Ray Ban sunglasses