This body lotion will definitely be in my December favourites post (sorry for the spoiler) but I liked it so much that I thought it deserves it's own post. I wrote about I love... products before, you can read that post here.
Couple of weeks ago I saw this scent for the first time and I had to try it. It smells so good, sweet and cocnuty and creamy, with the hint of scent I can't explain. Smells is better than all other I love... body lotions I tried.. I'm not the biggest fan of fruity scents, so this one is right up my alley. As far as moisturizing go, my skin is well moisturized and soft when I use it.
When you first apply it it leaves a white residue like a lot of other body lotions but skin soaks it up very fast and it doesn't fell sticky or oily.
Only thing I don't like is the smell changes a little once it's on the skin, it still smells nice though, just different. Maybe it's only my skin, every scent changes depending on your skin's smell.
If you were looking for the perfect body lotion for this winter, if you try this one you won't be disappointed.
Ovaj losion za telo će sigurno biti u postu o mojim omiljenim proizvodima u decembru ali mi se toliko svideo da je zaslužio svoj post. Ranije sam pisala o I love... proizvodima, taj post možete da pročitate ovde.
Pre nekoliko nedelja videla sam ovaj miris po prvi put i morala sam da ga probam.
Miriše odlično, slatko i kao kokos i krem za tortu, oseća se još neki miris ali ne mogu da objasnim na šta miriše. Od svih I love... losiona za telo koje sam probala ovaj najlepše miriše. Ja ne volim nešto posebno voćkaste mirise, tako da ovaj miris spada u grupu onih koji mi se više dopadaju.
Što se tiče hidriranja, koža mi je veoma hidrirana i mekana kad ga koristum. Kada se tek nanese ostavi beli film na koži kao i veliki broj drugih losiona ali se to brzo upije i koža posle nije lepljiva u masna.
Jedina stvar koja mi se nije dopala je to što se miris malo promeni kada je na koži, i dalje miriše lepo samo drugačije. Možda je to do moje kože, svaki miris se menja zavisno od mirisa kože.
Ako tražite savršeni losion za telo ove zime, ako probate ovaj neće vas razočarati. Ja sam ga kupila u DM-u, ovaj miris nisam videla u Liliju ali su ranije imali njihove druge proizvode.
I have this in a shower gel version and I absolutely love it! You've made me really want to try the matching body lotion now :')!
You should! I love their shower gels as well, I had Vanilla & Ice cream, and now when you mentioned I definitely want to try Coconut & Cream shower gel!
ReplyDeleteP. S. Your blog is lovely!