When temperature is well below zero, other beauty rules apply. To keep your skin and hair looking healthy and gorgeous in cold weather follow the rules below.

1) Moisturize This is the most important winter beauty rule. The skin tends to be more dry when it's cold and dry skin and freezing weather don't mix well. So make sure your skin is well moisturized, especially your face and hands (they are directly exposed to harsh weather). My hands are always super dry during the winter so I use more hand cream than usual.
2) Go heavy on the lip balm Best case scenario is to only use lip balm and apply it very often, especially before you leave the house. If you are like me and you can't resist wearing lipstick, use lip balm before you apply lipstick.
3) Use lip scrub Although it sounds weird, using lip scrub is a winter essential. When your lips are chapped they will get more dry and chapped in cold weather. If you scrub them every couple days they will be smooth and soft.
3) Wear SPF on your face A lot of people skips SPF because it's winter, but winter sun is also intense and damaging so you should always use it. 
4) No heavy facials before leaving the house Don't use scrubs, clay masks or any other heavy duty mask right before you get outside. Your skin will be sensitive and if you expose it to wind and cold you can only do it harm. Save all of those treatments for bed time. After you take a mask or a scrub off, moisturize well, sleep on it and when you wake up your skin will be ready for the harsh weather.
5) Tone down on cleansing My skin is oily and for the longest time I cleansed heavily all year round. This year I tried something different and used gentle cleanser during the winter. So far it's working nice and my skin is well cleansed but not tight or dry.
6) Tuck the hair in Scarves puling it, wind and cold in general can be very damaging for the hair. Before you go out tuck the hair gently under your scarf, coat collar or turtleneck sweater. It sounds simple, but it does wonders for your hair!

Kada je temperatura ispod nule, drugačija su i pravila za negu. Da bi vam koža i kosa izgledale zdravo i lepo i na hladnom vremenu, pratite sledeća pravila.

1) Hidriranje Ovo je najvažnije zimsko pravilo kada je reč o nezi. Koža je obično suvlja kada je hladno napolju a i hladno vreme je pogubno za suvu kožu. Zato je bitno koristiti kreme i losione za telo redovno, posebno kremu za lice i ruke (jer su oni direktno izloženi hladnoći). Moje ruke su obično najviše suve zimi pa tada koristim više kreme nego inače.
2) Balzam za usne je neophodan Najbolje je koristiti samo balzam i nanositi ga što češće, posebno pre nego što izađete napolje. Ako ste kao ja i ne možete bez karmina, obavezno namažite balzam ili labelo pre karmina.
3) Koristite piling za usne Možda zvuči čudno, ali piling za usne je neophodan zimi. Kada su usne ispucale postaće još suvlje i više ispucale na hladnom vremenu. Ako radite piling na svakih nekoliko dana usne će biti glatke i mekane.
4) Bez jakih tretmana lica pre nego što izadjete napolje Ne koristite pilinge, maske od gline ili ostale agresivne tretmane direktno pre izlaska iz kuće. Koža je tada osetljivija i ako je izložite vetru i hladnoći samo ćete je oštetiti. Sve te tretmane najbolje je raditi pred spavanje. Kada skinete masku ili piling, nanesite debeo sloj kreme za lice, lezite na spavanje i kada se probudite koža će biti spremna za hladno vreme.
5) Nežnije čistite lice Moja koža je prilično masna i jako dugo sam je dosta čistila tokom cele godine. Ove godine sam probala nešto drugačije i koristila nežniju penu za lice zimi. Do sada je to mojoj koži odgovaralo i bila je fino očišćena  i nije se sušila niti sam osećala da me zateže. 
6) Ušuškajte kosu Šalovi koji je vuku, vetar i generalno hladnoća mogu jako da oštete kosu. Pre nego što izađete nežno je ušuškajte ispod šala, kragne od kaupta ili rolke od džempera. Žvuči jednostavno, ali stvrno čini čuda za kosu!