Batiste dry shampoos are one of my favorites. Hype surrounding them is well justified, they make your hair look super clean and volumised. There are so many scents ant types that I didn't know which one to choose when I first started to use them. After a while I feel in love with two types and I always try to find these when I run out.
First is Coconut&Exotic Tropical scent. This one smells so good! I mentioned my love for coconuty scents, but this one is a whole other level. Your hair will smell like coconut and other tropical scents until you wash it again. This is, without a doubt, the best scent from Batiste.
Second place goes to Dark&Deep brown. If you have dark hair like me you probably struggle with the white powdery dry shampoo residue. Even the best dry shampoos tend to do this, a little bit of white cast will always be visible on the hair. With this one you don't have to worry, the spray itself is dark brown, and it can even hide the root if it's different color. There are two more colors: Light&Blonde and Medium&Brunette, but I didn't try these because my hair's been dark brown for years.
Batiste suvi šamponi su mi jedni od omiljenih. Cela fama koja ih okružuje je opravdana, od njih kosa izleda super čista i ima dosta volumena. Ima toliko različitih vrsta i mirisa da ja nisam znala koji pre da probam kada sam tek počela da ih koristim. Posle nekog vremena zaljubila sam se u dve vrste i uvek pokušam da njih pronadjem kada potrošim suvi šampon.
Moj prvi omiljeni miris je Coconut&Exotic Tropical miris. Ovaj suvi šampon neverovatno miriše! Pominjala sam već koliko volim miris kokosa, ali ovaj je nešto posebno. Kosa će mirisati na kokos i druge tropske mirise dok je ne operete. Ovo je bez sumnje najbolji Batiste miris.
Drugo mesto zauzima Dark&Deep brown. Ako kao ja imate tamnu kosu, verovatno se borite sa belim puderastim ostatkom od suvog šampona. Čak i najbolji suvi šamponi to rade, beli film će uvek biti malo vidljiv. Sa ovim šamponom ne morate da brinete, sam sprej je tamno braon, i čak može da prikrije izrastak koji je druge boje. Postoje još dve boje: Light&Blonde i Medium&Brunette, ali ja nisam probala ove dve nijanse jer mi je kosa već nekoliko godina tamno braon.
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