If there's a colour that's been given way less credit than it deserves, than it has to be mustard. Most people cringe when they think about wearing it, which is in my opinion a huge mistake. It may have the same name as one of the favourite condiments, but is certainly not boring or dull. There's no colour more perfect for people who don't like colours. Yeap, you heard me, if your closet is full of black and gray, a mustard piece would be perfectly refreshing. Not to bright to make you uncomfortable, still different from the rest of your clothes. Oddly, this is the first mustard item I've ever owned. Well, maybe I had something mustard when I was little and can't remember. Anyways, I enjoyed wearing this sweater so much. And speaking of my childhood years, can you believe I've had this fake fur jacket for as long as I can remember? It was a hand-me-down from my older cousins and I had it even before I started going to school. How crazy is that?
Ako postoji boja koja je nepravedno zapostavljena, onda je to senf boja. Većina ljudi se naježi kada misli o nošenju iste, što je po mom mišljenju velika greška. Možda se zove isto kao mnogima omiljeni sos, ali zasigurno nije dosadna i neinspirativna. Nema savršenije boje za one koji ne vole da nose boje. Da, dobro ste me razumeli, kad vam je orman pun crne i sive garderobe senf komad će ga savršeno osvežiti. Nije previše drečava pa vam neće biti neugodno da je nosite, ali će se razlikovati od ostatka vaše odeće. Začudo, ovo je prvi komad odeće u boji senfa koji imam. Jedino ako sam imala još neki u detinjstvu, ali ne mogu sada da se setim. Ovaj džemper mi se jako svideo, baš mi je bilo lepo dok sam ga nosila. I kada se već prisećam detinjstva, da li možete da verujete da ovu ''bundicu'' imam od kada znam za sebe? Nasledila sam je od svojih sestara od tetke i imala sam je i pre nego što sam krenula u školu. Koliko je neobično što je i dalje nosim!
Zaful sweater
Vintage shorts
Vintage jacket
Asos boots
Vintage Gucci bag
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ReplyDeleteI find it very cute . .. Really nice :) Amazing total look
I love so much this your looking :)