Entering my new found summer evenings combo: slip dresses with delicate cardigans. I found a similar cardigan to this one on Zaful, it's at the end of the post. I've never had a tight slip dress before so I couldn't discover how good this outfit really is. Most of the summery outfits are flowy and relaxed, which is also great, but slip dresses can look amazing as well. They also had a similar dress in yellow and maybe I should've gotten that one as well. š I did a post with this dress before and it was all about layering with slip dresses. There's nothing wrong with wearing slip dresses on their own, but they look excellent with some kind of layer on top. I love adding cardigans on every outfit, especially when summer nights get colder so you actually need a sweater or a cardigan.
Evo moje novootkrivene letnje odevne kombinacije: slip haljina i delikatni kardigan. PronaÅ”la sam sliÄan kardigan na Zafulu, ostaviÄu link na kraju posta. Nikada ranije nisam imala usku slip haljinu pa nisam ni znala koliko je ovo dobar autfit. VeÄina letnjih autfita trenutno je leprÅ”ava i opuÅ”tena, oni su isto sjajni, ali i slip haljine takoÄe. Ova je iz H&M-a, imali su i žutu sliÄnog kroja, možda je trebalo da nabavim i nju. š Napisala sam ranije post gde sam je nosila, o noÅ”enju slojeva preko slip haljina. Nema niÄeg loÅ”eg i ako ih nosite bez bilo kakve jakne ili kardigana, ali stvarno dobro izgledaju sa neÄim preko. Volim da dodajem kardigane svakom autfitu, pogotovo leti predveÄe kada postane malo hladnije pa su vam zaista i potrebni.
I also got addicted to bigger hoop earrings, these are not too heavy, they are not real silver, so I recommend them if you find other hoop earrings to be too heavy. I got them in gold as well. Never underestimate cheaper earrings. Retro vibe that hoop earrings give you goes well with this outfit, I think. Slippers trend is maybe not my favourite, but these are pretty comfy so I've been wearing them a lot lately.
TakoÄe sam se ''navukla'' na alke, ove nisu preteÅ”ke jer nisu od pravog srebra, dobre su ako su vam sve ostale alke teÅ”ke pa tražite lagane. Kupila sam Äak i zlatne, koliko su mi se dopale. Ne treba potcenjivati povoljniji nakit. Mislim da retro izgled koji alke imaju lepo ''ide'' uz ovu kombinaciju. Trend papuÄa mi možda nije omiljeni, ali su priliÄno udobne pa sam ih dosta nosila u poslednje vreme.

H&M dress
Bershka cardigan
Ray Ban sunglasses
Vintage sandals
Tally Weijl earrings
Smaller earrings are from Asos
Vintage bracelets
Vintage and Ti Sento rings
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