Although I love seeing sweatpants memes and find them so funny, I rarely wear sweatpants myself. I own two pairs (I think 😂), but I almost never wear them. Maybe now I will, because I remembered I had them. Even before this quarantine started I only wore leggings when I'm at home, it's just something I've been loving since I was a kid. Of course, if you love wearing sweatpants and super casual outfits, go for it! But if you don't, or have to dress up for work conferences or online classes here are some of my tips on how to make your at home outfits more elegant (sans online shopping!).
1. Sweatpants are not your only comfy pants
I'm sure you have other pants at home that are not jeans! After all, we've been through couple of wide leg pants crazes during the past decade. Just go through your closet, you'll find some of them. These I'm wearing here are from H&M's Trend line from 2017. They are really so comfortable, even more than leggings. I also have a pair of Asos wide leg pants that I plan to wear next week and other pairs I already wore.
2. Do your hair
You don't have to go super glam and spend hours on doing your hair, just put in a little bit of effort. I'm still doing my hair like I would do on ''regular'' days, since I find comfort in some routines. You can do that as well, but if you don't want to, do a cute braid, or a pony tail or a bun. Make it look neat, it doesn't have to be super glamorous.
3. Add some details
Like a headband, a scarf or hair clips. Here I didn't because I felt like hair accessories didn't go well with my earrings, but I do wear a lot of these details everyday. Now could be the time to experiment with some looks you wouldn't usually wear, just use your imagination.
4. A touch of gold is always a good idea
Even if you are avoiding jewelry like rings and bracelets if you think it would be harder to keep your hands clean when you wear them, there's no reason not to wear earrings and necklaces. Normally I wear silver jewelry the most, but I found that adding gold details to my stay at home outfits really makes them more elegant. Here I even wore a blouse with some golden stripes, that's a good way to make your outfit more interesting without making it super glamorous.
Iako volim da vidim memove sa nošenjem trenerki u ovom periodu, sama ih retko nosim. Mislim da imam neka dva para, ali ih skoro nikada ne nosim. Možda posle ovog posta hoću jer sam ih se setila. Čak i pre nego što je ovaj karantin počeo nosila sam samo helanke kod kuće, to je nešto što volim da radim od detinjstva. Naravno, ako volite da nosite trenerke i neke opuštene kombinacije, slobodno to radite. Ali ako ne volite, ili morate da se obučete elegantnije za poslovne video pozive ili onilne predavanja, evo su neki od mojih saveta kako to da uradite (bez onlajn kupovine!).
1. Trenerke nisu jedine udobne pantalone koje imate
Sigurna sam da kod kuće imate još neke pantalone koje nisu farmerke. Makar zbog toga što smo prošli kroz nekoliko faza pantalona sa širokim nogavicama u prethodnoj deceniji. Pretražite malo svoj orman, pronaći ćete neke od njih. Ovde nosim svoje pantalone iz H&M Trend kolekcije iz 2017. Stvarno su jako udobne, čak i više od helanki. Takođe imam i sličan par sa Asosa koje planiram da nosim sledeće nedelje i još neke koje sam već nosila.
2. Napravite frizuru
Ona ne mora da bude super glamurozna i da je pravite satima, dovoljno je malo truda. Ja i dalje uvijam ili feniram kosu kao i ''običnim'' danima jer volim tu rutinu. Možete i tako, ali ako ne želite, napravite lepu pletenicu, rep ili punđicu. Bitno je da izgleda uredno, ne mora da bude jako glamurozno.
3. Dodajte detalje
Kao što je traka za kosu, marama ili šnalice. Ovde nisam jer sam mislila da ne bi dobro išli sa mojim minđušama, ali nosim dosta tih detalja i ovih dana. Sada može biti vreme da eksperimentišete sa nekim aksesoarima koje inače ne biste nosili.
4. Zlatni detalji su uvek dobra ideja
Čak i ako izbegavate nošenje nakita kao što su prstenje i narukvice jer mislite da ne biste mogli lako da dezinfikujete ruke sa njima, nema razloga da ne nosite minđuše i ogrlice. Obično najviše nosim srebro, ali sam primetila da zlatni detalji zaista osveže kućne autfite. Ovde sam čak i nosila bluzu sa zlatnim prugicama, što je dobar način da se dobije zanimljiva odevna kombinacija koja nije previše glamurozna.
Ralph Lauren blouse
H&M Trend pants
Vintage golden earrings
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