You might consider neutral items you have in your closet to be a certain base for more elaborate outfits, but it's sometimes fun to create looks only with neutrals. Black is the most obvious choice, all black outfits have been a fashion staple for more than a decade. For those who are not the biggest fans of all black there are so many other neutral options. I love this type of a beigey neutral colour scheme. Here I added a pair of snake print heels to break down the neutral theme, but you can always opt for a simpler, completely neutral look.

Možda gledate neutralne komade u svom ormanu kao svojevrsnu bazu za složenije autfite, ali nekada je zabavno da uklopite kombinacije koje su skroz u neutralnim bojama. Crna je najočigledniji izbor, kompletno crni autfiti su modni klasik već više od deset godina. Za one koji nisu ljubitelji crne postoji mnogo drugih neutralnih opcija. Ja volim ovu vrstu neutralne bež palete boja. Dodala sam par cipela sa zmijskim printom da bih malo razbila tu paletu, ali uvek možete da se opredelite za potpuno neutralan izgled.

You might have seen those perfect, all neutral beige outfits on Pinterest and although I did not like them when I was younger and thought they were boring, now I love them. Taste does change with age. There are so many other things I didn't like before and I enjoy wearing right now. Like snake print, for example. If you want to go for a total neutral look, my advice is to opt for all beige outfits. They are not boring at all! And they look less edgy and are more softer and elegant than all black (in my opinion). Certainly they are more practical in the summer, if you ever wore all black outfits in the strong sun you'll now it's not much fun.

Možda ste videli one savršene, kompletno bež autfite na Pinterestu i iako mi se nisu baš sviđali kada sam bila mlađa (mislila sam da su dosadni), sada ih jako volim. Sa godinama se ukus zaista menja. Mnogo stvari koje nisam volela sada rado nosim. Kao zmijski print, na primer. Ako želite autfit potpuno u neutralnoj boji, moj savet je da to bude bež. Ova boja ne mora da bude dosadna. I izgleda manje edži i nežnije nego crna od glave do pete (po mom mišljenju). Svakako je praktičnija leti, ako ste ikada nosili skroz crne autfite na jakom suncu znate da to nije baš zabavno.

Bailey 44 skirt
GAP shirt
Asos shoes
Alexander Wang bag
Ray Ban sunglasses
Vintage and Ti Sento rings
Skagen watch
Vintage earrings